Ya Allah lama nya tak post anything, in the span of one month (27 days to be exact), ni baru nak tulis something, but nak tulis apa pun tak tau. I think blogging is just not my forte, no wonder I was so inspired by others yang sooo rajin. I think some of my weaknesses are:
- tak rajin ambik gambar, apa lagi kalau tengah masak yang sekali sekala tu, dah nak laju, masa mana nak pegang kamera2 nih..
- i ni jenis yang quite private, tak reti nak share things so openly in this cyber space
- altho masa sekolah selalu dapat high marks for my essay writings (Bahasa Melayu, or English), all those writings were done not out of my minat, but sebab terpaksa, cikgu suruh, still remember how dreadful it was when cikgu came into the class and suruh tulis karangan... So moral of the story, no matter how good you are in anything, your passion and interest must come first. So adik2, sapa yang tak berapa pandai in certain things, but with the drive and minat, insyaAllah you'll be successful in whatever you do.
Macam jahit-menjahit that I'm into now, I consider myself a "kayu" in this field, to me my elder sister is my direct opposite, she's so skillful and has eyes for details, and yet now I can be quite proud of myself while my sister is no longer interested to even pegang her machines nowadays.
I would like to share an inspirational quote, hope some souls out there will find it inspiring:
An average person with a clear conviction will achieve more than a smart person with no conviction. - Mohd Anuar Taib, who became Shell Malaysia Chairman at 42. Wow...